2 NFPA 20 compliant Super duplex firewater pumps delivered

As a part of the establishment of the 400 MW Horns Rev C offshore windfarm, Pleuger Water Solutions has been appointed to deliver all pumps for the firefighter system of the Horns Rev C Offshore high voltage substation.

Within just 5 months from PO to delivery Pleuger Water Solutions managed to deliver 2 NFPA 20 compliant Super duplex firewater pumps (QT12EHM-2a + VNI12-90-2, 360 m3/h - 9,2 bar ) with an anti bio fouling system including the electronics and a copper and aluminium anodes system. All additional required equipment such as NRV, adapter, motor centralizer & anti bio fouling constructions were part of the project. The units won’t be running in continues operation and anti bio fouling are an important factor in keeping the longevity of the pumps. For this reason 2 additional spares have been delivered.

The firewater lift pumps will work in close collaboration with 2 firewater booster pumps (also supplied by Pleuger Water Solutions) to provide sufficient pressure on the firewater system to the helicopter deck and to the firewater sprinklers on the diesel oil tank on the roof deck.