Company details
Pleuger Techniek BV, trading as Pleuger Water Solutions, is located at Hooge Zijde 29, 5626DC in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Personal data
Pleuger Techniek BV may process personal data of you(r company), because you use our services and/or because you provide this information to us by filling in a contact form on the website.
Below is an overview of the personal data that we can process:
- Name contact person;
- Position;
- Company Name;
- Address data;
- Telephone number both fixed and mobile;
- E-mail address.
In most cases the information is provided to us by yourself so that we can carry out our services and activities.
Processing goals
The personal data mentioned above is processed for the following purposes:
- Establish phone contact or written approach when requested by you;
- Written approach (by e-mail/post) if you cannot be reached by phone;
- Sending sales invoices, quotations and other commercial documents.
- Carry out any other activity to support you as a customer in the right and most efficient way.
Third parties
Pleuger Techniek BV will only provide your information to third parties if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement or to comply with a legal obligation. If we provide your data to third parties for any other reason, we are obliged to ask you for permission first.
Cookie: Google Analytics
Function: Analytical cookie to measure website visits.
Pleuger Techniek BV takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access and other unwanted actions with personal data.
Inspect, rectify or delete personal data
You have the right to inspect, rectify or delete your personal data. Make an appointment for this at Pleuger Techniek BV. Filing of a complaint is possible with the regulator: the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You also have the option to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data. For this please make an appointment at Pleuger Techniek BV. We will respond to the request within one-month period. It is important that you can identify yourself and can prove that the data you want to inspect, rectify or delete is actually yours. It is not allowed to view other people’s data.
If you have a question about our privacy statement, please contact us via
Eindhoven, October 31st, 2018.
Pleuger Techniek B.V.